Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to ship?

Shipping times depend on your location and the shipping method chosen during checkout.

Standard shipping within the EU usually takes 3-7 business days, while air shipping may take longer, up to 10 work days.

Since our prints are made on-demand, production times can vary. On average, it takes about 2-3 business days for production. 


What materials are used?

We use high-quality materials to ensure the best possible results.

For fine art prints, we use 285 gsm German Etching Hahnemühle art paper.

Poster prints are typically printed on durable, 180 gsm heavyweight paper with a slight satin finish.  


What sizes are available?

Our art prints come in various sizes to accommodate different needs and display options. 

Popular sizes include 20x14 inches, 28x20 inches, and 40x28 inches. 

These prints tend to be on the larger side and are compatible with most ready-to-use frames.

What is your return and refund policy?

We provide a 60-day, no-questions-asked return policy for all print products, unless otherwise specified on the item. To be eligible for an exchange or refund, the products must be in the same condition as when they were received.

If you wish to initiate a return or exchange, please contact us via email. For more comprehensive information, please visit our dedicated Return Policy page on our website


Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we offer international shipping to many countries worldwide.

However, please note that shipping times and customs procedures may vary.


Can I track my order?

Absolutely! Once your print is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this tracking number to monitor the progress of your shipment and estimate its arrival date.